Cant Blog

I've been very busy this past two months... gave me no time to blog... I've been busy choreographing for some presentation for 3 consecutive events at the School where my son is studying.. and also did some hair and make up for the three consecutive school pageant ... Month of August .. . i was hired to teach some selected grade 1 students a Folk dance for their presentation for the " tagisan ng pagsayaw " in the celebration of " Buwan ng wika " here's the photos of the grade 1 students before their stage performance and .. here's the video of their performance.... they didn't won the 1st place ... but they got the 2nd place .. at the same day .. I also do hair and make up for the Grade 3 Dancers.. just want to share to all of u.. grade 3's dance performance... " Piliin mo ang Pilipinas " by Angeline Quinto... Choreograph by my gay friend Ashley ... Still at ...