Instagram highlight icons - Free download and ready to use

Instagram Stories highlight icon - Free download and ready to use Hi everyone! I made some Instagram stories highlight icon and I want to share it with you. this is all downloadable and ready to use. Instagram high light is a tool that will help you revisit your favorite Instagram Stories, and showcase them to everyone who visits your profile. the highlight will appear as a circle on your profile and will play its own story when someone visits your profile and taps it. Instead of disappearing after 24 hours, highlights will remain on your profile, you can customize your highlight depending on what category you like. I made 3 sets of different design of highlight story icon to share with you. you just have to save the images on your phone, upload on your Instagram stories. go to your profile, add new high light, or click your existing high light and add it as a cover. Eye candy IG icon set Green g...