Hearts Nail art Using Band-aids

Im going to do this "Nail Art" following Ms. Michelle Phan's
DIY Nail Hearts using Band-aids Tutorial ..
This is not my own idea, i just wanna show you guys how i do
 the nail art hearts by Ms. Michelle Phan,
She is one of my favorite beauty guru on youtube...

Nail HeART using Band-Aids :

What we need -

Nail polishes

for my nails, im going to use this "Chic Color Trend nail polish"  in
the shade of "Red Carpet " and nude in "117"


And Band-Aids
im going to use this Mediplast transparent Plastic strips which
i got from the drugstore
for  P20.00
you can use whatever brand or type of  Band-aids you want .

Now that we have everything we need... we can start doing our nails..

First things first ! clean your nails.

it is nice to start with nothing but a clean nails :)
Next.. apply any color or nail polish of your choice...
for my nails , im going to use a red and nude nail polish as instructed from the tutorial that im following...

Make sure that your nail polish are already dry before proceeding to the next step.

Cut off the ends of band aids

Fold in half and Cut out a heart shape

This is going to be our Stencils ..
make a stencil for all your nails..

Once you got enough for all your nails.. you can jump into the next step..
Again.. make sure that your nail polish are all dried...
then, Place the band aids on your nails.

With the red or pink nail polish
Paint over the heart cut out

and .. Remove the band aid quickly!

Repeat the steps.. :)

You can try different color combination of nail polishes, or you can even use 
glittered nail polish.. 

And last but not the least.. Finish with a top coat!

and now .. our Nail heARTS are done!  :)

>>>By : Spell-Anne<<<


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