DIY : Fixing your broken make up

Accidentally drop your favorite make up?
And you werelike " OMG!" (well actually that was me)
dont freak out... we can still fix it....
using an Alcohol ... (not the one we drink)
yeah! a Rubbing Alcohol

Any rubbing alcohol will do ...

Actually,  i've been wanting to
share this tricks to everyone since i started blogging..
but i dont want to break my make up
just to show everyone how i can fix it..
haha! it can be good as new right after fixing it,
but i just dont want to break it intentionally..

I've already done this with my favorite Nichido Single eyeshadow..
and it looks like the same as it is before i broke it...

And just yesterday... 
I accidentally drop my Eye Shadow and blush on pallete... 
so here iam now sharing to everyone how i fix it...

First ..
pour a right amount of alcohol on your broken make up,
depending on how much it need, we just have to turn the broken makeup into a paste...
a small amount of alcohol will do..

you will need something to mix it up..
and turn it to Paste-like form..
in my case i use the bottom of my nail pusher to mix it,
to re-mold it and to flatten it surface...

Once you are done molding and flatten it surface...
then it time to let the alcohol eveporate..
You can leave it over night,
or if you're in a hurry...
you can use a blow dryer to dry up all the alcohol...

Then were done!
here's how it looks like after leaving it
over night..


>>>> By : Spell-Anne <<<<


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