San San Nail Polish : in Tea rose

I went to HBC last week cause i  ran out of some stuffs and i have a coming
makeup gig that weekend.. and passing by the nail polish section.. this nail polish
in nude pink caught my eyes... i don't know .. i just love everything in shade of pinks and violets...
i haven't tried any nail polish from San San yet so i decided to pick only the shade that caught me...

I don't usually paint my nails (on my hand ) because i have a lot of household
chores to do and  hate seeing my manicure chipping ..
But if there's any occasion or some special events that i have to attend
at the school (where my son is studying) ...
Nail polish is one of my accessories.. and i love creating simple nail art that will surely
catch my friends attention .. :)
And my toe nails? i cant just leave it plain ... and  i dont ussually go to salon for pedicure...
 i do it on my own so i have a few collection of nail polishes at home..

Going back to the review...

im not the type who always spend..
so when buying things i always look for the save than spend ...
i mean i always look for the cheaper one but with good quality..
i dont buy expensive nail polishes... no matter how expensive the price is
nail polish are meant to chip after a few days or weeks or so...
so why should i buy expensive ones... and no one will know whether your
wearing an expensive brands of nail polish or not ...

Thats why i instantly love this San San Nail polish ..
It is really affordable and pocket friendly ..
Only 37 php for a 12 ml bottle

This San San Nail polish in Tea rose
is in a Glittery nude pink shade..
can easily be applied on nails ,
2 coats can give u an opaque finish ,
and it last on my nails for a week..

And since summer is approaching ...
i decided to give my nails a touch of floral..
i use this San San nail polish in tea rose
and add some roses in one of my nails..

i really love this shade ... 
nude pink and glittery ...
simple yet elegant ..

Will I re purchase it?

i will Definitely buy another shades of San San Nail Polish
and specially this shade in Tea rose...

Want a Tutorial of this nail art?

Stay tune.

>>>>> By : Spell Anne <<<<<


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