Julio and Julia

Im a Cat Lover..
ever since i was a child, i love having cats as my pet.
i just stop adopting cats when i gave birth to my son,
and because we're living in my inlaws house that time..

I have three cats last years ...
but i dont know, they ran away ..
i just found out one day that they are gone..
(anyways, im talking about puspin here)

so... last week , i brought a little kitten home...
a friend over heard that im looking for a
akitten to adopt so she gave it to me

at first i thought he was a girl ...
and because we got him last July 14 ,
my husband want a name related to the month
so we could easily remember the date we got him...
so we call him Julia....
after a week i just realize that he's a boy
so now his name is Julio ..
and i also call him Mr. Suave because the 
black color patch under his nose looks 
like a mustache...

Julio was so playful...
he never get tired of running around the house
all day , scratching and biting anything he could....

so i decided to got him a company ..

My tita and my cousins are also a Cat lover..
and they have a lot of cats in their home...
she gave another kitten that i brought home
just yesterday...

she's a girl..
so we will call her Julia...

now Julio have a playmate..

here's their photos..




shhh! Julio sleeping 

this one is funny! :p  bleh!






well anyways i guess i have to end my blog here ..
im a little bussy today ... got to review a two dance routine...
hope i can make it .. good luck to me bye !

#QOTD -  "When I play with my cat, who knows if I am not a pastime to her more than she is to me?" - Montaigne

>>>>> By : Spell Anne <<<<<


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