Epektibong pagpapapayat (How to lose weight effectively)

Hi guys! It's been a while. In this blog, I'm going to share to you, How I lose weight effectively.  I tried a lot of ways to lose weight in the past but none of them really works me. Some work for a while but since I love eating, I eventually gain back the weight I lose. I tried Zumba, going into the gym, but they don't seem to work. Right then I started to accept the fact that I will be chubby forever. But that doesn't make me love my self less. I'm contented with my body. I love my flaws. I even follow a few Chubby Vbloggers to get an idea of what is the best fashion or clothes for a chubby like me. But still being called "Mataba" sometimes really hurt. I'm not really into losing weight anymore when a friend added me to an FB group called Be fit pinay. Maybe given that I'm posting my gym and Zumba selfies, She thought that I would love to be in that group. (Thanks to you Friend, You know who you are)
I did not decline the invitation to join the group, But I am not that interested. But the Group post is passing my news feed, and I see very enthusiastic mommies doing heavy work out, and staying fit even at the age of 40 -50. I said wow! I Can't even lift a 5-kilo dumbbells and I saw some of them doing weight lifting. They have this monthly challenge, and they are sharing their work out, and weight loss journey. Until someone shares about Intermittent Fasting. She even mentions this Intermittent Fasting PH Group which she is also a member. She said she lose weight doing that fasting. That time I already saw that IF diet from the TV, And the first thing that came to my mind upon seeing it on tv was. "Nah, I can't do that. Eating only in an hours feasting window" Plus my cousins keep on suggesting me to try that, She said she saw it on tv, And wanted to try it too. So I try to search that Intermittent Fasting ph group and sent them a request to join. My request to join got approved after a few days. On thatIntermittent Fasting Philippines or IFPH group, they are sharing their fasting method and their transformation. I'm starting to consider to try it, but still skeptical because I have hyperacidity. I don't think that fasting will work for me. So I stay as a silent reader on that group. Until again, someone shares their way of eating and mention another group who is practicing Intermittent Fasting or IF in a different way. And that is The Low Carb and Intermittent Fasting (The Original). I got interested so I searched the group again and sent a request to join. I got approved the next day, and the first thing I did was to watch the video of the previous live session of the owner and the coach of the group. He explained very well how to do the Low Carb Diet combined with Intermittent Fasting. And then I saw a lot of people posting their LCIF journey and transformation claiming they lose weight in a few months. I was So amazed by their transformation and I got really interested. First, I was really hesitant to try it, But I told my self, Once I felt like I can't do the fasting, I will stop Immediately. 

So before I start Telling you guys how I started it, Let me just Tell you a brief explanation of Low Carb Diet and Intermittent Fasting.

Low Carb Diet means Cutting your Carbohydrate intakes, like sugary food, Rice, pasta, Bread and eating Only Meats, Leafy Vegies, Seafoods, and eggs. 

Intermittent Fasting is an Eating in a pattern, the basic is 16 hours fasting which means no food and any other drinks intake except for black coffee no sugar and water, and 8 hours feasting which will be your eating window. You can eat everything in 8 hours and then go back to fasting for the next 16 hours.

So Low Carb And Intermittent Fasting Is a Combination of two. 

Going back on how I started. So, I started doing the 12: 12 pattern 12 hours fasting and 12 hours feasting. So, for example, I started feasting at 8am,, I can eat from 8am until 8pm. at 8pm I will start fasting, I cannot eat or drink anything except for water, black coffee without sugar, or tea without sugar until 8am again the next morning. I gradually reduce the rice I eat in every meal. I started from 1cup per meal, then a few days after I only eat 1/2 cup rice every meal. until I totally remove rice in my meals. 
I only eat Low carb foods. Eggs, Meats, Leafy veggies. I stop drinking soda, eating sweets and chocolates which is really hard for me because I have a sweet tooth. I also stay away from bread, biscuits, and pasta. I swear at first, It is not that easy. But in the long run, I get used to it. I also extend my fasting from 12:12 pattern to 16:8 16 hours fasting, 8 hours feasting. to 18:6 18 hours fasting, 6 hours feasting.

I started Doing LCIF July 25, 2018. My starting weight is 67 kilos.
after a month of doing this lifestyle and way of eating, I lose 7 kilos.
I weight 60 kilos by Aug 25.  And Of course, I'm so happy and get more motivated to continue.

There are not so many changes, People doesn't even notice I lose weight. So, I just continue Doing this lifestyle and eating pattern. My progress goes slow during the following months. I lose only 1 kilo in every month, but slowly changes became visible. From Plus size I can then wear clothes from free sizes which don't fit me before. and by November, My weight drops down from 60 to 54. then Gain 2 kilos after holidays.
Right now it is my 9th months doing LCIF, My current weight is 55, I don't want to lose more weight so I am now maintaining my 55-kilo weight.

here are more of my transformation photos.

Here is my latest pic

It is hard to achieve a flat tummy especially now that I can't find time to go to the gym, My belly skin becomes saggy and still bulky, and I know proper exercise will make it firm. I'm still a work in progress so please don't judge. On my next blog, I will share to you guys what are the foods that i eat, and the foods I avoided while I'm on this way of eating.

Disclaimer: I am not a Doctor, a Diet coach or a Nutritionist. I am just sharing what I did to lose weight. What works for me might not work to others. It's still best to consult a doctor before trying any diet.

Till here, See you guys on my next blog.


  1. you mentioned you have hyperacidity. What did you do to prevent it from happening while fasting?


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