My Shopee 10.15 Sale Voucher Code

Hello mga Besh it's been a while.
I've been gone from Blogspot for a while but now I'm back. I just hope I can find time to write again.

Anyways I'm here today to share with you Something!

It's Shopee 10.15 na! Catch my latest payday finds on my Youtube Channel and on my Tiktok
and check them out this payday sale at Shopee! We can enjoy P150 off vouchers, 50% bills cashback, and free shipping with no minimum spend...
On top of that, you can use my exclusive voucher code 1015SPEELLANNE to get 15% coins cashback, min spend P500 capped at 80 coins, valid this Oct 15, 2021 only!
#ShopeePHPaydaySale #ShopeeAkinSale #Shopee1015Na

Here are the links to my Shope Payday finds

Tyeso Vaccum Insulated Mug: Random Shopee finds:

Follow me on my Social Media 

Youtube Channel:

Spell Anne 
Your shopee Budol Finds




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