Being a Mother

Mother - My definition of mother is someone who loves unconditionally and places the needs of her children above her own, on a personal level, and not only with words, but also in actions..

Being a Mother

Tiring but fulfilling..
I'm just a plain house wife, no career, fulltime mom.
Being a mother and a wife is the greatest achievements I have in my life.
I gave birth to a very cute little boy at the age of  19, 
That day is the Happiest day of my life.
Tears fell from my eyes, and I really cant explain that feeling…
all the pain I've been through while waiting for him to come out is
all worth it.

From that day on, everything has changed.
I have to change my priorities, and my attitude, and everything..
I cant  do things that I use to do  before.
I cant stay on the bed all morning,  cant even have my 1 hour bath anymore,
cant just go anywhere i want, 
cant hang out with my friends late at night… 
there's so much thing I cant do
But that don’t make me feel bad.. 
I'm tied up at home, spending  all day in taking care Of my little angel and my husband..
And it makes me happy..

Being a mother is a great  experience.. Though it is a really big responsibilities..
It teaches me a lot of things, and brought me to a lot of emotions..
I don't know why but all his first times made me cry..

The first time he say the word "mama", the first time he learn to stand alone,
The first time he kiss and hug me,  the first time he go to school,
The first time he got an award in school even if it is just a "best in dancing" and "outstanding" award..
The first time he join a school pageant, the first time he sing and dance at the stage,
The fist time he is awarded as a top one student of their class...

Aside from happy tears ..

The first time he received his vaccine
It even made me cry the first time I slept without him,
The first time he got wounds,
the first time his playmate hurt him.. 

No wonder how a child can change a mother into something or somebody else..
A nurse when he is sick..
A playmate, a teacher, a lawyer, a body guard,  a cook,  and a lot more..
A mother will do anything for her child..

And being a mother is the greatest experience I ever had in my whole life…
And as my son grows older  I realize that there are more new experiences to come..
Seing him grow as a very nice boy, well raised , well mannered .. It makes me feel proud.. I never  thought that I could raise a child well...

Best part of being a mother?

...Is knowing I am part of something so out of this world so perfect
 knowing I was chosen to be my son's mother not by some random
act of fate but by the will of God...
.. the idea of knowing that there is someone whose life depends
on me and having the responsibily of watching out for him always...
 and ... definitely been receiving hugs, kisses, and "I love you, Mommy" when I least expect it and when I most need it!

>>>by: Spell-Anne<<<


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