Blog ?!

 I want to make my own blog..  just like my favorite bloggers do.. but first i want to know what
" Blog " is..

  • blog (a contraction of the words web log) is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first).

  • Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries; others function more as Online brand advertising of a particular individual or company. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important contribution to the popularity of many blogs. 


Personal blog  > A personal blog is typically written by one person (although they may choose to invite guest bloggers) about their own personal interests, family, activities, causes, etc…

Business blog > Many businesses maintain a blog as it allows them to promote their brand via relatively low cost marketing and connect and build relationships with customers.

Vlog > A vlog is a Video Log – vlog. It can be used independently of a blog; used in conjunction with a blog or incorporated into a blog.

Reverse Blog > Also called an inverse blog, is characterized by it’s lack of one specific blogger. Rather these are communities of bloggers that come together under one heading and contribute to the overall content of the site.

Micro blogging > We are All familiar with micro blogs, whether we realize it or not!
Every time you post up on Facebook or Twitter….you’re microblogging!

(Above are the imformation i got from google)

I want to blog..

 But I really don’t know .. how to start and what to blog .. And I keep asking my self  " do I really have what it takes to be a blogger ?"  ..
I used to write poems and anything  about how I feel when I was in high school..  I write it down in a note book..  And bring it anywhere with me.. Coz everytime I feel  bored I start writing.. 

Untill I saw some blogs about make ups and make up tutorials.....  
I really love make ups.. I cant call my self a "Make up Artist" or a "Hairstylist" but  sometimes… I do hair and make up at some school events around my place.. I never went to a " beauty or makeup classes" maybe all I know is the basics…
But I do know how to use make ups.. Maybe I got it from my lola.. Shes an all around beautician.. And I grew up seeing her  using makeups.. And when I was younger ..  she often took me with her to her clients and even at the salon where she works… 

That is when I thought that I can also blog about make ups .. Or about some beauty products.. 
I don’t think im good enough to make some make up tutorials.. But im going to work on with that… as for now.. I will just do some reviews of the products im currently using…
And maybe some about being a mother or about parenting  .. Random Tips.. or anything that i have on my mind... :)

Why i want to blog?

I just want to share my point of views about something or anything.. and maybe .. i just love writing..
it is easier than talking.. coz when i write.. i can express my self more..

>>>by: Spell-Anne<<<


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